Research Article
Multi-criteria Decision Making Using KEMIRA-Sort Method for Assessing the Suitability of Wild Animals to Promote Sustainable Management of a Wildlife Farm
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
17 December 2024
31 December 2024
14 January 2025
Abstract: In Burkina Faso, most of the wildlife farms hosting touristic visits, which started out with great enthusiasm, are now closed, highlighting the need for sustainable wildlife farm management. Although also of interest for wildlife farming, most of the study dealing with sustainable animal farm management are focus on livestock farming. This study was motivated by the need to provide an answer to the question of sustainable management of wildlife farming in Burkina Faso. To this end, our aim is to assess the suitability of wild animals to promote sustainable management of an ex-situ wildlife farm, hosting touristic visits. The implementation of a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) process enabled us, among other things, to identify the wild animals and the criteria against which their suitability to promote sustainable management has been assessed. Our concern, on the one hand, to enable the stakeholders to easily express their preferences and thus fully adhere to the decision-making process, and on the other hand, to respect the heterogeneous dimensions implied by sustainability led us to choose the KEmeny Median Indicator Ranks Accordance-Sort (KEMIRA-Sort) multi-criteria sorting method. The evaluation phase was guided by the consideration of decision-maker’s preferences for ranking criteria and empirical examples of assigning wild animals to ordered categories of suitability to sustainable management. The complete implementation of the decision-making process enabled us to identify the categories of wild animals according to their suitability to promote sustainable management in the case study of the Wédbila wildlife farm (WWF) in Burkina Faso. More specifically, we showed that the group of wild animals most likely to promote WWF sustainable management was made up of pork-spicy, aulacodes, and red-necked ostrich. These results obtained was in line with empirically estimation of the principle stakeholder playing the role of Decision maker. These relevant results obtained thus validate the effectiveness of the KEMIRA-Sort multi-criteria sorting method. In addition, the flexibility of the proposed approach predisposes it, subject to adaptation, to be used in other sustainable management wildlife farm contexts.
Abstract: In Burkina Faso, most of the wildlife farms hosting touristic visits, which started out with great enthusiasm, are now closed, highlighting the need for sustainable wildlife farm management. Although also of interest for wildlife farming, most of the study dealing with sustainable animal farm management are focus on livestock farming. This study wa...
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Research Article
The Symmetry of Solutions for a Class of KIRCHHOFF Equations on the Unit Ball and in the Entire Space
Yubo Ni*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
18 December 2024
30 December 2024
14 January 2025
Abstract: This paper is mainly concerned with the symmetry and monotonicity of solutions to a fractional parabolic Kirchhoff equation. We first establishes the asymptotic narrow region principle, the asymptotic maximum principle near infinity, the asymptotic strong maximum principle and the Hopf principle for antisymmetric functions in bounded and unbounded domains. By the method of moving plane, it then derives the symmetry of positive solutions on the unit sphere and in the entire space. Next, we point out how to apply these tools and methods to obtain asymptotic radial symmetry and monotonicity of positive solutions in a unit ball and on the whole space. By some researches, we find that no matter how we set the initial value, it will not affect the property of the solution approaching a radially symmetric function as t approaches infinity. Throughout the paper, establishing the maximum principle plays a central role in exploring and studying the fractional parabolic Kirchhoff equation. After establishing different maximum principles, one can study the properties of a solution to the parabolic equation under different conditions. Finally, the novelty of this article is that it is the first time to apply method of moving plane to fractional parabolic Kirchhoff problems and the ideas and methods presented in this article are applicable to studying different non local parabolic problems, various operators and the symmetry of solutions in different regions.
Abstract: This paper is mainly concerned with the symmetry and monotonicity of solutions to a fractional parabolic Kirchhoff equation. We first establishes the asymptotic narrow region principle, the asymptotic maximum principle near infinity, the asymptotic strong maximum principle and the Hopf principle for antisymmetric functions in bounded and unbounded ...
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